Periodontal disease is a progressive condition with symptoms that worsen over time. Over 47 percent of all American adults aged 30 and older have periodontal disease. The condition starts with minor symptoms known as gingivitis, but it can lead to tooth loss when it goes unchecked. This blog will share the symptoms of periodontal disease from mild to severe. Patients …
How Advanced Stages Of Periodontal Disease Affect Your Life
Chronic periodontitis affects many people throughout the world, but most people don’t even know they have it until it has reached an advanced stage. According to the CDC, close to 50 percent of people over the age of 30 have some form of periodontitis. While most people understand the importance of brushing their teeth, they might not be aware of …
How Do You Prevent Periodontal Disease?
Despite being largely preventable, nearly 50% of adults over the age of 30 have some form of periodontal disease. By age 65, more than 70% of people have some form of periodontal disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). So how can you ensure you’re amongst those who avoid periodontal disease? It starts with simple, but consistent habits. …
How Is Periodontal Disease Treated?
Periodontal disease is a serious gum infection that can damage gums, destroy jawbone, loosen teeth or even cause the loss of one or more teeth. Fortunately, periodontal treatment can stop the disease before it causes significant damage. What is Periodontal Disease? Periodontal disease usually starts as the result of plaque, which is a sticky film composed mainly of bacteria. Plaque …
What You Need to Know About Dental Bone Regeneration
Oral surgery designed to stimulate new bone growth in the jaw is known as bone regeneration. The procedure is performed by experienced periodontists, often in preparation for dental implant surgery. However, it may also be performed as a preventive procedure to safeguard against tooth loss. Dental bone regeneration may also be performed to improve a sunken facial appearance or to …
The Signs of Periodontal Disease
Periodontitis is one word that strikes fear in many adults, and for good reason. The CDC has estimated that more than 47% of adults have periodontal disease by the age of 30. By age 65, approximately 70% of people have some form of the disease. That explains why dentures and dental implants have become so normal, that most people expect …
What Causes Periodontal Disease?
According to the CDC, Periodontal disease impacts about 47.2% of adults 30 years of age and older, with its prevalence increasing with age. In fact, for those 65 years of age and older, 70.1% will experience some form of periodontal disease. As you can tell, it is a very common dental disease, but it surely isn’t a pleasant one. From …