Zinc Poisoning Linked to Popular Denture Creams

Reports Suggest Overuse of Fixodent and Older Version of Poligrip May Cause Nerve Damage:

By Daniel J. DeNoon
WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Laura J. Martin, MD

Feb. 15, 2011 — Many cases of mysterious nerve damage turn out to be caused by overuse of popular denture products, an increasing number of reports suggests.

The culprit: zinc in Fixodent, from Procter & Gamble, and — until it became zinc-free last May — Poligrip from GlaxoSmithKline.

The body needs zinc. But because the body balances zinc and copper, people who get way too much zinc have dangerously low levels of copper. Moreover, zinc overdose itself may be toxic.

The result is bone marrow suppression and degeneration of the spinal cord, usually resulting in crippling nerve damage. It’s been called “human swayback disease.”

This may be a good reason for edentulous patients to explore implant therapy to retain dentures more securely or for implant supported restorations.

Read full article: http://webmd.com/oral-health/news/20110215/zinc-poisoning-linked-to-popular-denture-creams